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Remembering Pogo Possum

Remembering Pogo Possum

If you read the funny papers in the 60’s you most likely remember the adventures of Pogo Possum. From 1920 to 1977 former Disney animator Walt Kelly brought the adventures of Pogo to over 500 newspapers around the world. In fact you probably did not know this but the saying ‘We have met the enemy and he is us.” was originally said by Pogo.


Now I haven’t found a lot of Pogo related merchandise. There are a number of anthology books and coloring books out there. There were mugs and some really nice vinyl characters produced and distributed with certain soap products. I will run into these periodically in antique stores.

Below is a short video on these really cool toys.

The First Pop Culture Lunch Box

The First Pop Culture Lunch Box

Barbie Loves McDonald's Unboxed!

Barbie Loves McDonald's Unboxed!